Getting to Know the Blogger

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I guess my first official blog should be a little introduction. You see, to get the most out of my blog you must understand a little about me, where I am coming from, and some things I have experienced.
Like most people, my view of the world is colored by my life as I have lived it thus far. Some of those views are very clear, and some are obviously a little skewed.

You see, I am one of those lucky people who a lot of "stuff" happens to. Most often because of my own choices and downright silly mistakes.
Let me give you a little insight into what I am talking about by giving you a brief list of some of these events to which I am referring.

Let's See..... there was the time I:
-drove my car with so very little gas that when I parked on the little hill at my friend's house, in the dead of winter I might add, my car wouldn't start and her dad had to go get me gas.
-was pulled over for driving 20 miles over the speed limit and broke down crying and told the officer I didn't know what my registration "looked like"
-got my car repossessed because I didn't feel like paying bills for a couple months. :)
-slipped on ice in the cold cold winter and went sliding under a friend's front tire and he ran over my knee.
Oh and I mustn't forget the best one...
The time I drove on an obviously flooded street, got my car stuck, and had to bail water out of the inside of my car and push it out of the flood.

Now after reading all these you probably think I need to sign-up for a 12 step program to get some help. But let me assure you, I am an extremely successful person. I am excelling in my career, my children do well in school, and I have lots of friends.

It is just this part of me, that seems to emerge sometimes. And people sit back with wonder and awe at how I can be so successful and do some of the things I do. Well, what I tell them is this, "It is exhausting to be me!"

So read my blog and enjoy. Remember, it is meant to be fun and enjoyable. It is meant to make you laugh. I mean, I laugh at me, so why shouldn't everyone else?


3 Responses to “Getting to Know the Blogger”
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LOL! Love it! My dad still talks about the car in the ditch w/o gas!!! For not liking to write- you did a fabulous job! I'm addicted...glad you are too! Love ya~Amy

did this come through

I never kick myself harder than when I do something I know I shouldn't do and then find that I am paying the consequences.

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